Lamu V: Karabadangbaraka 3

After I’ve spent a few lazy hours doing nothing much on the beach (mainly trying to take a photo of a yellow, green and red bird flying into a small round nest suspended from the tree), Smiley decides that the currents are now right for sailing to the Takwa ruins. As we start to sail ...

Lamu IV: Thomas Goes Fishing 1

Just before Christmas while I was in Lamu I went on a fishing trip. This is the first part of the writeup… At half past eight in the morning I meet Smiley on the seafront, who is already there with his dhow, the ‘Uhuru’ (freedom). I climb into the boat from the stone steps in ...

Lamu III: Up On The Roof 3

From my vantage point on the roof of the Yumbe guest house I can hear all sorts of sounds this evening. The most pervasive is the constant barrage of squeaks everywhere, which is probably the sound of bats and crickets. I can hear people talking in the houses around here, and the occasional crying child. ...

Photos from Lamu

Out of the six rolls of colour film I shot at Lamu, I have chosen sixteen of the best pictures for you to view on the Kenya photos page.

New Drawings

I’ve just scanned in the drawings I did while in Lamu. You can see them on the Kenya Photos page.

Lamu II: A Maze Of Twisty Passages, All Alike 2

This town is a fantastic maze of narrow streets, tall buildings, donkeys, graffiti, pink blossomed trees, open drains, people, smells, children, cats, mud, ruins, palm trees, ornate carvings, ancient tombs, women cooking in doorways, men chewing miraai, thatched rooves, rubbish in the streets, craftsmen, restaurants, guest houses, power cables, water pipes, tourists, fishermen, boat makers, ...

Lamu I: God Is On Our Side 2

I’ve just returned from a holiday on the island of Lamu, just off the coast of Kenya. I spent quite a bit of time writing and taking photos while I was there, a lot of which will appear on here soon. Here’s the first instalment, most of which was written while in the plane… I’m ...