Just What You Always Wanted

The observant among you will have noticed a new button over there on the left, saying Make a Donation. You can now give me money! Hooray, what fun!

Two Things I Like

Unrelated to my ongoing Lamu story, here are a couple of other things I want to comment on… First, Anita Shreve. I’ve just read three of her books, and I’ve decided that she’s my current favourite author. Unlike most books which take a few chapters to really get into, I can get into her books ...

What I Miss About England 1

I think people back home think my year in Kenya is just one big holiday. Although I do love living here, there are some things about England that I miss… Long summer evenings – Although we have lovely weather here, the sun goes down at 6.30 all year round, which doesn’t seem right. Clean drinking ...

Two Films

On Saturday I watched the new Bond film. Although not a great film, it is generally a good Bond film. It has everything you’d expect and then some. Sometimes it was so over the top it almost had me in stitches, though some of the inuendo belonged in Austin Powers really. The special effects in ...

Someone Likes Me 1

I received an email from someonelikesyou.com the other day, which claims someone likes me. I just have to enter a list of email addresses to see if they match up. So far I haven’t found anyone that likes me. I’ve tried postmaster@microsoft.com, webmaster@yahoo.com, someone@hotmail.com, but to no avail.

New Website

After a few years of having a very boring website, I’ve finally got round to giving it a complete overhaul. And I’m quite pleased with the result. The blog code is nearly all mine, although I did borrow some useful code from Peter Hall which converts URLs into links in comments. I haven’t really written ...