Another GTI

I may soon own two Golf GTIs. On Friday Naomi and I went to look at this one, and we like it. We need to check the VIN, but assuming it’s all legit’ we’ll be buying it this weekend. I’m going to have to do a little work on it – like fitting an alarm ...

One Year 1

Today (or to be more accurate, yesterday, since it’s now one in the morning) Naomi and I have been together for one year. And in that one year we’ve spent approximately five weeks together. This evening we went out for a meal at the top of the Calgary Tower. That’s the red thing in the ...

Above and Beyond

Yesterday Naomi and I went car shopping. We wanted to get a VW Golf, but didn’t manage to find one. But at the last secondhand car yard we went to the guy let us look through a copy of autotrader in his office, and search on his computer, and use his phone to call people. ...


Last Friday we went to play pool again. This time we went to the pool hall just down the road instead of going all the way into town, so we actually got to play pool. But they had different rules so I kept losing without knowing it.

Feels Like Home

That’s where home is. Although you can’t actually see my apartment because it’s in one of the blocks on the other side of the place where all the blocks of apartments are. Whatever you’d call that. A campus perhaps? Anyway, you can see the recreation grounds opposite the apartments where the baseball field is, and ...

Bottlescrew Bill’s 1

I went to Bottlescrew Bill’s Old English Pub last night. We found it on the internet when looking for pool halls in Calgary. It did have a pool table, but it was in use, so we had a pint and some food instead. When you first walk into the pub it looks like and English ...

Settling In 1

I’ve been here for just over a fortnight. Is that all? It feels like I’ve been here much longer. The first week I was here I had a bad cold and got an infected cut while shaving, so it wasn’t all that fun. Just sitting around doing not much and trying to rest and get ...