O Canada! 1

To everyone waiting with baited breath for my Baltics photos and Africa photos to appear on this website: Sorry, but I haven’t had time. I’ve been busy floating around on cloud nine since I got back, due to something to do with Canada. And doing some work. But I will put the photos up at ...

No Change

Still being very busy, but not for long, as I’m off to Kenya on Thursday. Yay! Maybe I’ll put my Baltics pictures on here one day, although when I get back I should have so many picutres of Kenya (and hopefully Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania too) that it’ll take me forever to get them all ...

Still No Time 1

I still haven’t had time to do anything on this website with my Baltics pictures, although I have had a hundred of them printed at Jessops, including several ten by fifteen inch prints, which look amazing and it’s impossible to tell they’re from a digital camera. But without any images this page will start to ...

Back Home

I’m back home, but don’t expect much on the website for a while, as I’m knackered and have loads of work to do and a house to move into. And it’s half past two in the morning but it feels like half four.

Leaving The Baltics 1

Today has been our last full day in “the Baltics” for this trip. Tomorrow we’re off to Finland again. Not sure exactly where we’ll go, but I’m sure we’ll find somewhere!

Emergency Flower Service

Just down the road from our hostel in Riga there’s a greenhouse-like shop which is a twenty four hour flower shop. I suppose it’s for those early morning flower emergencies. I’m now on the bus back to Tallinn. It’s pretty boring as it’s forest nearly all the way.

Bus To Trakai

As Shay pays the bus driver for his ticket, someone taps on the driver’s window: Person: When does this bus arrive in Trakai? Bus driver: (Shrugs) I don’t know. Shay: It takes about three quarters of an hour, doesn’t it? Bus driver: I don’t know. Reminds me of when we started our flight to Tampere ...