Things I Want To Do

When I shared a house with Dave and Mark they kept trying to persuade me to go climbing, but I never did. But a few weeks ago I went for the first time and really enjoyed it, so now I have a harness and shoes and stuff like that and I’ve been once more and ...

Keep On Driving…

In the last week I drove approximately one and a half thousand miles. On Tuesday I drove to York where I met up with Nomi and Bonny and looked around the town and bought a sword. We stayed the night at a hostel (with a glowy light just after the steepy hill) near Harrogate, and ...

Guess Where I’ve Been? 1

That’s right, Scotland. Again. It’s so depressing coming back home and being stuck in a terraced house surrounded by more terraced boxes, with a view across the other grey boxes of Coventry. Especially since I was up there five days this time – it was starting to feel like home. (That’s Braincroft lodge right in ...

Blast from the Past

I’ve just added my writeup of my 1997 trip to Malawi to the writings page. It used to be on the old version of this site, but I’d forgotten to move it to the new version, until now.


This week I went to Ireland, and I’ve just got back. We went on Monday afternoon and immediately after arriving drove right across to Galway where we stayed in a backpackers’ hostel. (Barnacles Quay Street – it was nice and clean, but I didn’t get much sleep because the other people in the dorm made ...

Ashby de la Zouch Castle

This afternoon I drove to Ashby de la Zouch to take some photos of the castle. I got there at half past three which only gave me half an hour before they closed. I did consider coming back later since there was only a small wooden fence, but it probably would have got too dark, ...

Norah Jones – Feels Like Home

I’ve not knowingly heard Norah Jones before (although I’m sure I’ve heard her on the radio or TV at some point), but since Amazon keeps telling me to buy her latest album I did, although I got it from Virgin instead when I was in town this morning, looking for things to waste my money ...