Two Films

On Saturday I watched the new Bond film. Although not a great film, it is generally a good Bond film. It has everything you’d expect and then some. Sometimes it was so over the top it almost had me in stitches, though some of the inuendo belonged in Austin Powers really. The special effects in ...

Life Goes On

Last night I went to the new cinema out at the village market to watch Minority Report. It’s only just come out over here, even though it was the last film I saw in the UK about five months ago. (We often get films a few weeks early though). Unfortunately, all the films were sold ...

Naivasha II – The Return of the Youth

I’ve just been on the church youth retreat at Naivasha. This time the youth came, so we didn’t have to turn it into a leaders’ retreat again. It was a lot more tiring than last time, as I had anticipated. During the morning we had been to the Naivasha Country Club to go swimming. We ...

Formula Lawn 2

Matatu Driving in Ten Easy Steps

Buy a matatu (a small minibus – usually a Toyota Hiace). Preferably an old one which produces copious amounts of black exhaust. Don’t bother with insurance. Paint it garish colours and stick a random phrase in the back window (try one of these: ‘No Fear’, ‘God is Invincible’, ‘Arsenal’, ‘Fast as fire’, ‘Waiting for the ...

New Photos 1

There are a few photos on the Kenya Photos page at last.

Someone Likes Me 1

I received an email from the other day, which claims someone likes me. I just have to enter a list of email addresses to see if they match up. So far I haven’t found anyone that likes me. I’ve tried,,, but to no avail.