The Times, They Are A-Changing

Actually, the times, they a-changed a while ago now. Its the weather that’s a-changing at the moment.

This evening, after going to Ristorante Etna for Jon-Man’s leaving meal (where I had the best steak I’ve had for ages), we went down to The Glasshouse and sat round a table outside and had a few drinks, while not feeling too cold. It’s the first day this year when it’s really been warm enough to do that. It kind of reminded me of being in Kenya and going to Gipsy, although when I was there it reminded me of Coventry. (See this entry.)

This afternoon I went to the guitar shop where I’d bought my acoustic guitar and tried to claim my free set of strings which they’d promised I could have after six and twelve months of owning the guitar. But when I got there they told me the type of strings I use are too expensive so I couldn’t have them for free, even though it’s the kind of strings I got with the guitar originally. So I had a good argument with them for a few minutes but eventually settled with getting £7.50 off, which I suppose is okay.

Tomorrow I think I’ll go for a cycle, unless the weather a-changes again.

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