Guitar Makeover

I just spent the day overhauling my Strat. The main thing I wanted to do was just to get the wiring done right so that all the pickups worked (it’s a little complicated since I have a push-pull switch on the second tone control which switches the humbucker at the bridge from series to parallel), and also to install a volume control which doesn’t crackle. But then I thought I might as well get a new pickguard since the old one was really grim, and I got a new quarter inch socket as well.

Getting the new pickguard meant I had to drill new holes, so I went to Homebase and bought myself a drill (which is way overpowered and overfeatured for drilling a few little holes in wood, but I though I might as well get one which would be able to cope with anything I throw at it) and some wood filler.

Then I spent the whole do soldering and unsoldering wires, breaking and fixing things, losing and finding screws and springs and putting the guitar together only to find I’d done something wrong and opening it up again. But I finally have it all together and it works really well. The problem I’ll always have now is trying to decide whether to use the Strat or the Eggle.

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